The Tragically Hip is the self-titled debut album from Canadian rockers The Tragically Hip, originally released in 1987. The album is interesting because it harnesses their music in it's rawest and earliest stages. At the time of The Tragically Hip, the band was still playing extremely small venues, so it's appeal lies within it's freshman sound and it's link to what the band later become. The first outings comes through tracks like 'I'm A Werewolf, Baby'. The track 'Last American Exit' sounds like it could have come from their accomplished Road Apples album. The album includes a bonus track: 'All Canadian Surf Club'.
Track Listing:
- Small Town Bringdown
- Last American Exit
- Killing Time
- Evelyn
- Cemetery Sideroad
- I'm a Werewolf, Baby
- Highway Girl
- All Canadian Surf Club